Patient and Public Involvement and Engaguement in Research
The INM team have made great strides toward involving patients and the public in our research, and used that input to help shape our clinical service. When UCLH installed the first integrated simultaneous PET-MRI scanner in the UK, INM conducted a study of patient experience in PET-MRI, compared with PET-CT. Our findings in the study indicated that improved knowledge and understanding of the scan resulted in a more positive patient experience of the scan itself. As a result, our team worked with a group of patients to develop a patient information film to help prepare for the PET-MRI and PET-CT procedures.
Our team liaises with the UCLH patient involvement group regarding all of our proposed projects, and a member of the INM team also helps review project proposals for academic starter grants to support PPI alongside a patient representative.
The INM team is keen to widen access to STEM subjects, and we have given many talks and presentations to school children.
April-Louise Smith representing Radionuclidetherapy at a Research Open Day at UCLH.