ISOHOPE - the Institute of Nuclear Medicine’s Research Charity.
Raising money for Imaging Research.
There are a huge number of research projects being undertaken at INM, some are run internally by our own physics, clinical and translational research teams, but we also perform imaging and other functions for other teams across UCLH, UCL and the rest of the UK.
Charity Infomation.
If you are interested in our charity you can find out more here, ISOHOPE is new, but our work has been supported by other charities in the past including the Rosetrees Trust and Breast Cancer Now
Interested in Raising Money for ISOHOPE?
Often overlooked, almost every patient has some form of medical imaging when they visit the hospital. INM’s modalities are the deep-cuts, used for those with serious conditions including Cancer, Dementia and Heart Failure. We would love your support to keep researching diagnosis in these and other areas.